Grabovac - Jerina's City
Grabovac is bigger than its more famous fellow fortresses Koznik, Maglic and Soko.
Grabovac is still incompletely explored site. There are ruins from Roman times, of a fortress from 6th century, believed to be built by Roman emperor Justinian (527-565).
Area of one hectare contains about 350 m of walls - some of them 8 m high and 2 m wide. Grabovac was center of Serbian medieval state after Battle at Kosovo polje in 1389, when the country was ruled by princess Milica, until her son, Stefan, came of age in 1393.
First records on Grabovac date back in 19th century. Like all other fortresses of unknown origins, this, too, was named Jerina's City by people. Jerina was notorious wife of despot Djuradj Branković, ruler of Serbia 1427-1456.
Grabovac has three parts: long wall, lower city and upper city. During few sporadic archaeological excavations in this decade, some valuable pieces of weapon, coins, ceramic objects and horseshoe were found, from the times of Vuk Branković's reign (1345-1397). Vuk was Djuradj's father.